Seals It 2 hole Grommet Seal 1″ Holes #GS1012H16


SKU: GS1012H16 Categories: ,


Seals-it grommet seals are a nitrile rubber material bonded to an aluminum bezel.grommet-seal-2h-seriesrev
This grommet seal is designed to stretch to allow the fitting to pass through and yet grip the hose, and keep debris out.
Grommet seals can be used for so many different applications.
Wiring, fuel and oil lines, air and liquid hoses, and all other lines.
Cables or cords for computer equipment or other electronic equipment.Grommet seal application - Copy
Seals-it patented grommet seals have many other applications including: race cars, custom cars, marine, commercial equipment, motor homes, airplanes, etc. and more.